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Report bad behavior to a mod if you see it. If you do, at the least give a good explanation why. Please try and refrain from telling OP their scenario is impossible. Don't attack a person's politics and don't exalt your own. Don't correct bad spelling and/or grammar. A joke inside an answer is fine, but address OP's question and engage in conversation.Ĭivility and politeness are still rules. The sub is based around quality answers, take liberty in the process of creating them. Take liberty in answering the question! If OP didn't give enough context in their question, make up your own.
Feel free to put your answer in there if you'd like! However better background creates a better question, and if you don't leave any background. You have an entire self post outside of the title to explain your question. A scenario about Obama revealing himself to be a powerful warlock in 2016 is not. A scenario about the possibility of Obama raising the income tax rate to 75% in 2016 is good. At all times, citizens are urged to learn what steps to take in the event of a nuclear attack.Welcome to FutureWhatIf, a place to discuss all the possibilities that the future may hold. However citizens are still urged not to rely on DWS for any strategic planning.
By the time authorities announce the start of a full scale nuclear war it would already be too late.ĭWS analyses current DEFCON levels through the current situations between Russia and the United States. The DEFCON levels of the US Military are kept classified and whose revelation could compromise the country’s security.ĭue to the fact that nuclear threats are a highly sensitive subject, the government is currently controlling the spread of information regarding the matter. It’s an outright conflict.â€ĭEFCON WARNING SYSTEM: Your One Stop Shop For Nuclear Threats Against The United StatesĭEFCON Warning System (DWS) is a non-government website which focuses on nuclear threats to the United States and is not affiliated with any of the four branches of the military. As CNN describes it, “It’s not a new Cold War. The situation between the two countries can now be compared to the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. And despite agreeing to cooperate in order to fight ISIS is Syria tensions still flare up mainly due to the Russians backing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Relations between Russia and the US have been at a steady decline ever since the annexation of the Crimea and the subsequent conflict in Ukraine. However the situation is considered fluid and can change rapidly. Our base conditions are called Force Protection levels. I think DefCon is used on a whole different level actually anyhow. There are currently no imminent threats of nuclear war against the United States at this time. DefCon is gone, as far as the Marine Corps is concerned.
Residents of San Diego, California even posted a video of aircraft taking off from the Marine base in Camp Pendleton.Īccording to Defcon Warning System, the alert status for 8 P.M., Thursday, October 13th, 2016 was Condition code is Yellow, DEFCON 3. Reports of sirens, aircraft, and even artillery fire were reported all across North America on October 13th. With tensions between Russia and the US reaching levels not seen since the Cold War, many fear the possibility of a full scale nuclear war. Typical Thursday night for many Americans was shattered by the sound air-raid sirens and fighter jets being scrambled. Nuclear War Alert: DEFCON Level 3 Warning – Situation Can Change Rapidly!